
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nutella No Bake Cookies

One of my younger sisters and I loved making No Bake Cookies growing up. They were easy for kids/teens to bake and we loved how sweet they tasted. Our favorite way to enjoy them was when they were still warm. Being from a large family, No Bake Cookies were rarely enjoyed the next day. Most disappeared within hours, okay sometimes minutes.

While No Bake Cookies don't photograph well, trust me that this Nutella twist on No Bake Cookies is delicious. I substituted applesauce for butter and reduced the sugar; I'm convinced this minor substitute counteracts the Nutella to make the cookie "healthier". Just trust me on that math. :) 

What I loved about these cookies is that they didn't harden/firm up too much the next day. They were still soft - just the way I like them, with fond childhood memories on the side.

Nutella No Bake Cookies

·1 cup sugar
·½ cup cocoa
·½ cup milk
·½ cup applesauce·1 tsp vanilla
·1 cup peanut butter
·3 cups oats
Mix sugar, cocoa, and milk in large pan. Add butter until melted. Add peanut butter until melted. Add vanilla. Stir until boiling. Boil 5 minutes. Add oats. Drop on wax paper by teaspoon. Let cool and enjoy.

Yield: 24 cookies.

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