
Friday, September 13, 2013

Udi's Gluten Free Tortillas


When Udi's sent me an awesome package of their gluten free foods to sample in June, I was excited to learn that Udi's had gluten-free four tortillas. I love corn tortillas, but definitely miss flour tortillas. I was super excited to try Udi's tortillas and had high expectations for them since all of the other products I've tried from Udi's taste As Good As Gluten.

Unfortunately, Udi's tortillas didn't meet my expectations. They crumbled as I tried to turn my Santa Fe Chicken into a burrito and as I tried to make a peanut butter-banana roll-up snack. You can see in the (bad) picture above that I'm holing my Santa Fe Chicken burrito together with toothpicks (I ended up eating it with a knife and fork). The good news is that the flavor tasted just like a flour tortilla should taste. Like other Udi's products, there was no funky gluten free aftertaste.

Someone please tell me that this is an anomaly. Someone please tell me that I somehow messed up the tortillas by freezing them and then thawing them in the fridge before I used them. I love and trust Udi's products so much, that I will be trying these again before I give up on them.

Disclaimer: Udi’s provided the product for me to review. However, my review and opinions written above are my own.


  1. The standard with majority of gluten free tortillas is to microwave for a good 15 seconds or so to get them soft and pliable. I usually also cover them with plastic wrap or put them in a plastic bag while I'm getting other things ready. Haven't tried Udi's so not sure if this will help, but it definitely does with other brands.

  2. Thanks for the feedback, Lilly. I'll try your tip to see if it works.
