
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Udi’s Gluten Free Foods Sampler Review and UDI-Q

I was so excited when Udi's contacted me a few weeks ago inviting me to participate in a UDI-Q. They sent me this amazing sampler box of their products two weeks ago. I was in gluten free heaven when I opened this package! I hosted a UDI-Q (get the play on BBQ?!) with family last weekend to get our honest opinions on Udi's Gluten Free Burger Buns and Hot Dog Buns.

There were six family members at our cookout, and five were gluten free. My husband was the odd-ball out this time with a gluten bun while the rest of us enjoyed our Udi’s gluten free buns. We absolutely stuffed ourselves as we wanted to try everything. We had my husband’s famous burgers, brats, chicken sausage, grilled peppers and onions, grilled mushrooms and onions, Mom’s homemade cucumber pickles, little smokies, and cauliflower. For dessert, we had Udi’s Chocolate Chip cookies, Udi’s Snickerdoodle cookies, and Grilled Peaches with Honey and French Vanilla Ice Cream.
All of the food was great and the Udi’s buns were well-liked by all. More of our honest opinions are below. As if the UDI-Q wasn’t enough, I sent home plenty of food with everyone and coupons for free Udi’s products of their choice. Thank you, Udi’s for making this cookout a gluten free success!

Here’s a recap of everything Udi’s sent me and my opinions of everything I’ve had a chance to try. I’ll post more over the next few months as I get a chance to try everything. As you know, I've posted about my love for Udi's and reviews of their products many times in the past, which I've also linked up below.
Buns: Whole Grain Hamburger, Classic Hamburger, and Classic Hotdog

I first tried the Classic Hamburger Buns and Classic Hotdog Buns in 2011 when they first came out. I was so excited for buns, but was a little disappointed as they seemed like too much bun for me. I think part of this was the bun, but part of it was also me not being used to eating a bun. Now, I love the Hamburger Buns – both Whole Grain and Classic. My trick to enjoying a full bun is to butter the bun and grill it to serve it toasted. I also put a saucy and juicy burger on top, which helps avoid what I perceive as “too much bun.” Everyone at the cookout enjoyed both varieties of the hamburger buns.

While the Hotdog Buns are great, a few of us at the cookout thought they were too thick – which makes it dry to eat. I compared the gluten-free hotdog bun to a gluten hotdog bun, and Udi’s buns are noticeably thicker. The flavor is still fantastic, and I’ll keep enjoying these buns.

 Cookies: Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodles, and Dark Chocolate Brownie Bites

I have a major sweet tooth, so I was excited to try Udi’s gluten free cookies for the first time. My family and I all loved the Chocolate Chip and Snickerdoodle cookies at our UDI-Q. They were soft and chewy, with no funky gluten-free aftertaste. They definitely taste As Good As Gluten – like the gluten versions of the cookies. I even found my husband sneaking Snickerdoodle cookies. They were so good, not even he could resist! I haven’t tried the Dark Chocolate Brownie Bites yet, but they look decadent.

 Pizza Crust

Udi’s Pizza Crust was one of the first gluten free products I reviewed when I started my blog back in October 2010. It’s been awhile since I’ve had the crust, so I was excited to try it again. I made a Caprese Pizza by drizzling extra virgin olive oil on the crust then topping with pesto, fresh sliced tomatoes, sliced mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, and basil. I cooked according to the package directions. This pizza turned out great. The flavors were fresh and the crust was crunchy. Yum!

 Muffins: Blueberry and Double Vanilla

I first tried Udi’s Blueberry Muffins 2 years ago. I absolutely loved it and it still tastes just as good as I remember – sweet with a slightly springy/airy texture. I’ve never had a Double Vanilla muffin before, so this was a new muffin variety for me. The Double Vanilla muffin is delicious, but a little on the dry side for me. This was no problem as I enjoyed with a glass of milk. After my first muffin, I thought it would be great as a base for strawberry shortcake. My husband must have read my mind because he ended up making the dessert below – Fruit Salad Muffin Sundae. It’s the perfect use for this sweet Double Vanilla muffin that reminded me of pound cake. All he did was slice an Udi’s Double Vanilla muffin in half, top with a scoop of French Vanilla ice cream and a homemade fruit salad. Delicious!

Bread: White Sandwich Bread, Millet-Chia Sandwich Bread

I love Udi’s Gluten-Free Bread and have been using it for years to make all kinds of sandwich varieties including grilled cheeses (Apple Cheddar, Jalapeno Cheddar, Patty Melts, and Pizza Grilled Cheese), PB&J, and lunch-meat sandwiches. I’ve tried the White Sandwich Bread before and love it just as much as I love my preferred variety – Whole Grain. I haven’t had a chance to try the Millet-Chia, but am looking forward to it.

Plain Tortillas: Small and Large

I had no idea that Udi’s had gluten-free flour tortillas. I’ve come to love corn tortillas over the years, but definitely miss a flour tortilla every once in a while. I’m so excited to try these tortillas and will let you know what yummy fillings I put inside.

What are your favorite Udi’s products? I can’t even begin to pick – I’m in love with them all! Thanks again, Udi’s!

Disclaimer: Udi’s provided the product for me to review. However, my review and opinions written above are my own.


  1. Thanks for this Lauren! Super fun. I think I would totally lose it if a box like this showed up on my door :) I easily buy 10+ leaves of Udi's bread a month for me and the boys (my husband even eats it too now) but many of the products you reviewed, I had never seen. I will be seeking out vanilla muffins, brownie bites and the tortillas!

  2. Thanks, Juli! I love Udi's and am excited about their new products. Makes gluten free eating so much easier.
